
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National"  

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union"  

  • English
  • Karen
  • Myanmar


Battles against the SAC’s forces in the first 6 months of 2024.

July 12th 2024, KNU-Central.
Approximately 1,827 battles of Karen National Liberation Army (K.N.L.A), Karen National Defense Force (K.N.D.O) with the allied troops against the SAC’s forces in KNU Kawthoolei Administrative Area, killing 1,903 and injuring 1,827 members of the forces.
A total number of 81 members of the K.N.L.A, K.N.D.O and the allied troops had sacrificed their lives for the country and the nations, and almost three hundred (298) had been injured.