
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National" 

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union" 

  • English
  • Karen
  • Myanmar


သူလ့ၤလံၥ်တၢ်ကစီၣ် အဘ့ၣ် (၄) အကူၥ် (၄)


  • Titleသူလ့ၤလံၥ်တၢ်ကစီၣ် အဘ့ၣ် (၄) အကူၥ် (၄)
  • Date2024-08-24
  • Authorကညီဒီကလုၥ်စၢဖှိၣ်ကရၢ
  • Puplisherကညီဒီကလုၥ်စၢဖှိၣ်ကရၢ
  • Categoryသူလ့ၤလံၥ်တၢ်ကစီၣ်
နီၣ်ဂံၢ် မုၢ်နံၤ တၢ်ဂီၤအကု တၢ်ဂ့ၢ်ခိၣ်တီ ပှၤဟံးမူဒါလၢ ရၤလီၤလံၥ် ဟံးန့ၢ်
1 2024-01-10 (Karen National Important Day)
2763 Karen New Year Pamphlet, 2024 (Burmese and Karen)
Karen National Union
2 2023-12-08 (သူလ့ၤလံၥ်တၢ်ကစီၣ်)
Thoolei Publication Volume 3 Part 4
Karen National Union
3 2023-11-10 (သူလ့ၤလံၥ်တၢ်ကစီၣ်)
Thoolei Publication Volume 3 Part 3
Karen National Union
4 2023-11-03 (Reports)
Type of Human Rights Violation Committed by SAC (January and September 2023) (English)
Karen National Union
5 2023-11-03 (Reports)
Type of Human Rights Violation Committed by SAC (January and September 2023) (Burmese)
Karen National Union
6 2023-11-03 (Reports)
Type of Human Rights Violation Committed by SAC (January and September 2023) (Karen)
Karen National Union
7 2023-10-31 (Reports)
Karen Socio-Economic Household Survey Report
8 2023-08-29 (ဥပဒေစာစောင်)
ဥပဒေသတင်းစာစောင် အမှတ်စဉ် (၅)
Karen Legal Assistance Center
9 2023-08-15 (သူလ့ၤလံၥ်တၢ်ကစီၣ်)
Thoolei Publication Volume 3 Part 2
10 2023-08-11 (Karen National Important Day)
73 Karen Martyrs Day Pamphlet Burmese 2023
Karen National Union
11 2023-08-11 (သူလ့ၤလံၥ်တၢ်ကစီၣ်)
73 Karen Martyrs Day Pamphlet (karen) 2023
Karen National Union
12 2023-07-03 (သူလ့ၤလံၥ်တၢ်ကစီၣ်)
Thoolei Publication Volume 3 Part 1
Karen National Union
13 2023-05-30 (ဥပဒေစာစောင်)
ဥပဒေသတင်းစာစောင် အမှတ်စဉ် (၄)
Karen Legal Assistance Center
14 2023-05-01 (Reports)
အာဏာသိမ်း စစ်ကောင်စီမှ ကော်သူးလေအုပ်ချုပ်နယ်မြေအတွင်း ကျူးလွန်ခဲ့သော လူ့အခွင့်အရေးချိုးဖောက်မှုများနှင့် စစ်ရာဇဝတ်မှုများ (January to March 2023)
15 2023-03-28 (Reports)
Myanmar Military's War Crimes in Kawthoolei: (January and February 2023) Burmese and Eng

တၢ်ဂ့ၢ်တၢ်ကျိၤလၢ တၢ်ဟံးန့ၢ် အအါကတၢၢ်တဖၣ်

