
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National"  

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union"  

  • English
  • Karen
  • Myanmar


No Date Title Categories Download
211 2017-02-24 Statement of the Leaders of the Ethnic Armed Organizations (Pan Kan) EAOs
212 2017-02-16 Joint Statement of Karen National Union and Kachin Independence Organization KNU & KIO
213 2016-11-11 The KNU 15th Congress Central Standing Committee (CSC) 5th Meeting Statement KNU Supreme Headquarters
214 2016-09-13 KNU Statement on Military Activities by Government Tatmadaw (Army) and BGF Forces in Mae Thawaw Region in Contact with Pa-an and Papun Districts KNU Supreme Headquarters
215 2016-07-20 Statement of the Leaders of Ethnic Armed Organization Meeting NCA-S EAOs
216 2016-04-10 Statement on DKBA, which Had Decamped from Karen National Union (KNU) KNU Supreme Headquarters
217 2016-04-08 KNU Statement on Political Prisoners KNU Supreme Headquarters
218 2016-04-02 Statement Welcoming President U Htin Kyaw and New Government KNU Supreme Headquarters
219 2016-03-26 Statement of the 2nd Ethnic Armed Organizations Summit NCA-S EAOs
220 2016-02-26 KNU Statement regarding Bawgahta Hydro-Power Project KNU Supreme Headquarters
221 2016-01-29 KNU Statement on the 4th Central Standing Committee Meeting after 15th KNU congress KNU Supreme Headquarters
222 2015-10-14 KNLA Position with regard to Ceasefire - 14 Oct 2015 KNU Supreme Headquarters
223 2015-10-12 Karen National Union Supreme Headquarters Press Release - 12 Oct 2015 KNU Supreme Headquarters
224 2015-10-10 KNLA Position with regard to Ceasefire - 10 Oct 2015 Karen National Liberation Army
225 2015-09-30 Press Statement on the Top Leaders Summit of Ethnic Armed Organizations EAOs